Rewards and Benefits
Bachem understands the elements of remuneration to be balanced between market value, individual performance and business success. We aim to offer our employees a competitive compensation package comprising a base salary and a bonus scheme.
Each employee shall be given a fixed salary based on the job requirements, competitiveness on the market and the required skill level. The base salary will progress based on the employee’s achievements and level compared to benchmarks.
The Bachem Group wants to share with its employees the financial success of the company. The variable performance-related share of the profit is dependent on attaining personal targets as well as on the success of the group companies and the Bachem Group as a whole.
Equal pay at Bachem
Bachem has been awarded the Fair-ON-Pay+ certificate by SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance SA). The certificate attests that internal equal pay between women and men is complied with in accordance with federal requirements. This confirms that we are a fair employer and sustainably committed to equal pay.